Peter Adams Managing Director
Founder of RBC, Peter is a “hands-on” person who studied Hospitality Management in Bournemouth. Peter has over 20 years in hospitality operations working in both chain and private hotels, steakhouse chains, running his own bar restaurant, and also has 22 years’ experience in, sales, marketing and publishing.
This experience allows him to combine “coalface “ operating hospitality experience with strategic advertising and marketing campaigns. Peter is passionate about communication, insightful, creative and result orientated, with an ability to ensure advertising and marketing strategies are communicated effectively at every level.
Guy Stephenson Sales Director
Co-Founder at RBC Publishing, Guy is a vastly experienced sales and marketing individual with 35 years experience, possessing one of sales’ most important attribute – ‘bags of enthusiasm’!
Guy works with clients to plan and direct an organisation’s advertising strategy from a business, sales, and technical perspective. Specialising in advertising sales, Guy has creative and artistic abilities, in traditional print and online advertising/marketing activities.
Guy has in-depth knowledge of marketing strategies and current trends, combined with a deep understanding of demographics and target market audiences. He specialises in assisting SME’s in brand building, and consolidating their position in the marketplace. Oh and increasing sales and profit as well!
David Bartlett Sales Director
Co-founder at RBC Publishing, David has a wealth of experience in advertising/marketing and sales. David has worked in the publishing industry for the past 30 years.
Working in a variety of high volume advertising-led sales environments, David has worked with many agencies and key accounts delivering measurable results in brand building, raising awareness and helping deliver successful strategic marketing campaigns.
David is the “face” of RBC at most industry trade shows, assisting in developing and maintaining excellent relationships with consumers, exhibitors and industry spokespeople.
Oh, David is a keen pool-player too!
Sylvia Mawson Sales Manager
Sylvia worked in the insurance and finance industry, building up a successful finance brokerage before following a career in the residential and nursing care industry, where she owned and ran a successful care home on the south coast.
Sylvia has worked in advertising sales for the past 20 years in Britain and abroad, working in a variety of advertising-led B2B publications, charity fundraising publications and events.
She has been Sales Manager at The Carer since its conception.
Sylvia is an avid craft and jewellery maker.
Matthew Noades Production Manager
Matthew has been a member of the team at RBC Publishing since 2002 after working in both print and marketing.
A graduate of Nene University, Matthew has a degree in Graphic Communications and extensive experience working in the print industry as well as online design and marketing. He brings this experience to his role as Production Manager at RBC and leads the team, working with our clients to offer expert design input and also oversees our online presence.
When he’s not heading up our design team at RBC Publishing, Matthew enjoys designing and producing impressive costumes for various conventions around the country.
Charlene Fox Production & Web Admin
Charlene is the newest addition to RBC’s management team and is leading the way with the company’s online presence. With a background in digital marketing, she brings her skills to maintaining and increasing the web activity of CLH News and The Carer.
Charlene is motivated in promoting our clients through our online activities and is continually training to add more knowledge to her skill sets. Chances are that if you have interacted with one of our social media platforms, Charlene will be behind it!
Outside of RBC, Charlene is an adventurous traveller who enjoys discovering new countries, experiencing different cultures, and creating unforgettable memories.